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Explore our current vacancies

Open Roles

Associate Pastor
Full-time · 40 hrs per week
We are hiring a full-time Associate Pastor whose experience, skills, and passion will help us fulfil our church’s mission to be a community following Jesus, making him known, and seeking the renewal of London.
Application deadline: Ongoing
Role starts: 2024
Ministry Intern
Volunteer · 8+ hrs per week
We continually have space for ministry interns, a season to join the RCL team and develop your gifts. Involving practical ministry experience throughout the week, it's a season in which you will be stretched and inspired. Perhaps you are wanting to explore ministry or have a specific skill/talent you would like to serve the church with; this could be for you - this is an an unsalaried role.
Application deadline: Ongoing
Role starts: TBC

More Information

Application Questions?
To apply for a role at RCL please send a CV and cover letter to For any further information about the role please do not hesitate to contact Chrissy (RCL Operations Director) via the same email.
Serving Opportunities
We have a whole host of serving opportunities throughout the church. Whether you’re completely new to RCL, or have been here for years, we’d love to encourage everyone to sign up to serve on a team. The current serving need can be found below.

Stay connected

To keep up to date with everything that is happening in the life of our church, please subscribe to the monthly RCL Snapshot email.