
A collection of RCL Information & Safeguarding Policies

RCL Policies

Below you’re able to explore and download the Reality Church London policies:
Safeguarding Policy
Reality Church London needs to provide a safe and caring environment for all children, all young people and all adults. But we acknowledge that children, young people and adults can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. Within our safeguarding policy you will find details on how to report a concern.
Updated January 2024
Data Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This statement explains when and why we collect personal information about people who visit us, our website, or connect with us on social media, how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others and how we will keep it secure.
Updated September 2021
Cookie Policy
Like many other websites, our website uses cookies. 'Cookies' are small pieces of information sent by an organisation to your computer and stored on your hard drive to allow that website to recognise you when you visit. This policy covers why we collect cookies and what that means practically for you as you use this website.
Updated September 2021

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