Common questions answered by the RCL team

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Select a topic or scroll to view our most common questions answered by the RCL team.


What does Reality Church London believe?
We have a public statement of faith you can read by clicking on 'Our Beliefs'. If you have any specific questions around what we believe as a Church then please reach out to us via the contact us page on our website.
Who is the Lead Pastor of Reality Church London?
Bijan Mirtolooi is the Lead Pastor of Reality Church London, after more than a decade serving as a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. Bijan holds degrees from Westminster Seminary and Princeton Seminary, and is a doctor of ministry candidate at Fuller Seminary.

Alongside his wife Michelle, they have a passion for making Jesus known in cities, and being part of a gospel-movement that seeks to love and renew the city with the fullness of God's good news. Along with their baby daughter Esmé, they call London home and serve Reality Church London for God's glory and the city's good.
Which denomination is Reality Church London?
We are a non-denominational, independent Christian Church, part of the family of Reality churches. You're able to explore the family of churches and what we believe by clicking on 'Our Story'.


What time should I arrive for a Sunday gathering?
All are welcome to arrive from 10.30am for coffee, before the gathering starts at 11am.
Is there parking close to Central Foundation Boy’s School?
Yes, free street parking is available on Sunday morning all around Central Foundation Boy’s School. More information and a parking map can be found on our 'Sunday's' page.
Is Central Foundation Boy’s School wheelchair accessible?
Yes, but we need advanced notice to ensure the side entrance is open. If you're planning to come and need step free access, please send us an email at info@realitychurch.london
I missed a Sunday gathering, is there somewhere I’m able to listen to the recording?
Yes, the audio of all sermons is recorded and can be accessed via 'Teachings'.
How long is a Sunday gathering?
A normal Sunday gathering starts at 11am and finishes around 12.30pm.
I'm unable to attend a Sunday gathering in person, can I watch from home?
Yes, we live stream our services each Sunday via Youtube at 11am. You can find the link on our 'Sundays' page.

Kids & Crèche

Do you offer kids work and/or Crèche provision during a Sunday gathering?
Yes, we have a great team of volunteers ready to look after your children. You're able to explore all of the details via our 'Kids & Crèche' page.

New to RCL

I'm new to Reality Church London, what should I do?
We've created a page just for you, click 'New to Reality' for more details. We can't wait to meet you.
I'm new to Christianity and have some questions, how can I get in touch?
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to ask life’s big questions! Please email info@realitychurch.london or follow the link for our contact form!
How can I sign up to the weekly email newsletter?
Each Thursday we send out an email packed will all of the latest church updates, you can sign up to the mailing by clicking 'Sign Up'.

Community Groups

I would like to join a community group, which should I join?
We encourage everyone to root themselves in a group based close to where you live, so together we can learn how to best love our neighbourhoods! There is also an online community group available in case you cant find a community group in your geographical area! More information and how to sign up can be found via our 'Community Groups' page.


What is Alpha?
Alpha at Reality Church London is a chance to ask questions and explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, no-pressure environment, with a small group of people just like you. Whether you've attended church before or are completely new to Christianity, all are welcome. Our goal is to create a space where you can bring anything to the table. Explore all of the details via our 'Alpha' page.
How can I/a friend join Alpha as a guest?
All are welcome to join Alpha, explore all of the details via our 'Alpha' page.


How can I submit a prayer request to the prayer team?
All are invited to submit prayer requests via our prayer page. During each Sunday gathering we also have a team of men and women available for in person prayer.


I'd like to serve on a team, how do I sign up?
That's great - you can explore the teams and how to sign up via our 'Serving' page.

Serve the City

Does Reality Church London partner with local ministries?
As a Church we are committed to the renewal of London, and work alongside a number of ministry partners in a variety of ways. Click here to see our Serve the City page which provides details of our partnership with these ministries.


What is ChurchSuite?
ChurchSuite is the primary communication platform for Reality Church London. Think of it as our address book, family calendar & rota planning all rolled into one! If you’ve already signed up to ChurchSuite you can download the App or log in via the link in the footer of our website.

Once signed up, you can: Explore the latest calendar of events, be part of the RCL address book allowing us to communicate with you around various news and events, control the information RCL hold for you and which elements are visible to others in the church and also manage when you’re serving next as part of a RCL serving team.

If you’re already part of a local church and are just saying hello, we’d love to stay in touch with you too but the best way to do that is by signing up to our email newsletter. Please only sign up for ChurchSuite if you’re part of our local family and community.
How do I join ChurchSuite?
If you call RCL home, you can join by clicking 'ChurchSuite'.


How can I give to Reality Church London?
You're able to explore all of the ways to give to via our 'Giving' page.

Contact Us

How can I contact the Reality Church London staff team?
If you'd like to speak to a member of the RCL staff team simply email info@realitychurch.london or click 'Contact Us' for our contact form and postal address! A staff member will be in touch as soon as possible.
I have questions which are not listed here, who should I ask?
Please reach out to us at info@realitychurch.london or click 'Contact Us' for our contact form and we will try to answer your questions as soon as possible!

Stay connected

To keep up to date with everything that is happening in the life of our church, please subscribe to the weekly RCL email and monthly Snapshot email.