Serving at RCL

We seek to love God, love each other and love our city

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Why We Serve

Our default mode as human beings is to serve ourselves, but Jesus calls us to something radically different—he calls us to serve him and others. Serving on Sundays is a simple and tangible way to love one another and follow Jesus. Whether preaching the gospel to a crowd or serving someone a cup of coffee, all our service matters to God. We encourage everyone to find a place to serve at RCL using the unique gifts, talents and resources God has given you.

Serving Vision

Jesus tells us when we serve others in His name, we are also serving Him: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40) We participate in His work of the gospel by serving one another in love. While Jesus asks us to serve Him, it’s important to note He serves us before we ever serve Him. Our service is driven by a sense of gratitude for God’s love and presence in our lives and by a desire to glorify Him in all we do.

Ways to Serve

Sunday Operations

This team arrive each Sunday morning and prepare the school hall for our gathering - ensuring everything is in place and then taken down and stored for the following week.
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Each Sunday before the doors open this team brew and then serve the best coffee in East London! Ensuring that everyone arriving at Central Foundation Boys School is greeted with a warm cup of tea/coffee.
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To ensure all in person and via Zoom are able to hear during the gathering this team set up the equipment each Sunday - alongside recording our weekly sermon podcast!
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As we sing and follow along with the gathering each Sunday, this team create and display the visuals each week - including live streaming the service to Zoom for those joining at home.
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As each person arrives at Central Foundation Boys School, this team ensure all are greeted with a smile and help answer any questions - especially looking out for those new to RCL.
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Kids & Crèche

During the gathering each Sunday this team care for all under the age of 12 - with bible teaching, games and fun. A DBS check is required for all applying to join this team.
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A team of men and women work with the RCL Director of Worship to lead musical worship each Sunday, if you can play an instrument or sing - this team is for you!
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Stay connected

To keep up to date with everything that is happening in the life of our church, please subscribe to the weekly RCL email and monthly Snapshot email.