Serve the City

Serving isolated, marginalised, and disadvantaged people of London

What is Serve the City?

In Jeremiah 29, God tells his people to seek the peace and prosperity of their city. Serve the City is one way RCL is trying to do just that in London.  Through Serve the City we seek the flourishing of London by serving people who are isolated, marginalised, and disadvantaged. As we serve the city, we aim to actively listen to the needs of people, to join in with what God is already doing, and to send out members of our community to serve the people of London.

Some of the ways we Serve the City are:
Praying for and practising generosity towards our Serve the City partners, alongside inviting members of RCL to Serve the City together through them.
Equipping members of RCL to respond directly to needs in London through prayer and action.

Serve the City Vision

We want to see the flourishing and wellbeing of London. Serve the City desires to build a church that has not withdrawn from the city but is fully immersed in sacrificial love for our city. Inspired by God’s calling for the church to seek the wellbeing of the city (Jeremiah 29:5-7) and by the actions of Jesus as he reached people who had been marginalised, Reality Church London seeks to engage with the needs of London, encourage those who are already serving the city, and equip people to discern the needs around them and respond.

Partner Organisations

Webber Street (London City Mission)

Through this centre run by London City Mission, people living on the streets are offered life-giving care. The centre opens every week to provide food, showers, clothing, and practical support for those in need. The centre provides medical care for its participants, whilst also running regular art, Bible, and job clubs.  On the third Tuesday of the month, RCL run the kitchen and outreach at the centre - you can join the RCL serving team with Webber Street below.

The Salvation Army Chalk Farm

The Salvation Army is a worldwide Christian church and registered charity, which has been fighting against social inequality and transforming lives for over 150 years. Once a month the Hampstead RCL Community Group serve the local community with The Salvation Army Chalk Farm. All are able to join and/or support the important work they do to provide friendship, practical help and support to some of the most disadvantaged people in the area.

The Gratitude Initiative

The Gratitude Initiative’s mission is to encourage and promote a gratitude culture in Britain, in our personal as well as our communal lives. Seeing gratitude as a vehicle towards both a fulfilled self and a harmonious society, they work to shape the culture by resourcing communities to both talk about and practise gratitude. All are able to pray for their work and sign up to recieve their newsletter.
Learn More

Serve the City right where you are

Alongside the Serve the City partner organisations above, we encourage all at RCL to explore volunteering across London in ways God is directing your heart for the city. We’ve put together a guide for those who would like to volunteer across London but might not know where to start. You can download the RCL Serve the City guide below.
Download Guide

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