
Submit your prayer requests & explore our prayer guides.

Prayer Request

We’d love to pray for you

Here you’re able to share your prayer request and a team of men and women in our community will be praying for you throughout the week. During each RCL Sunday gathering all also have the opportunity to receive in person prayer at the back of Central Foundation Boy’s School.

To submit a prayer request please fill in the form below sharing how we can pray. You have a choice to add your name or leave it anonymous, either way once you submit the form, a member of the team will be praying for you.

Prayer Request

Feel free to submit your prayer anonymously
Thank you

We've received your prayer request and will be praying
for you this week.

The RCL Team
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Prayer Ministry Mission

A healthy church is a praying church. Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God and for this reason we delight to make prayer part of everything we do at Reality Church London. We pray because God has chosen prayer as a means of working through his people to accomplish his purposes in the world and we regularly pray together because the main biblical model of prayer is communal (Matthew 6:9, Acts 2:42, James 5:16).

Pleading for Racial Justice

A Prayer Guide for Communal and Personal Formation.

Racial discrimination, injustice, and oppression affects all of us. How should we who live to emulate Jesus and respond? As Jesus’ representatives in the world, it’s important for us to lead in navigating these issues no matter how difficult. One of the ways we can do that is by making space for personal and communal prayer. Reality Church London desires to be a community dependent on the Holy Spirit and a people who take action from a posture of prayer.

The following prayer resource has been put together as a means for you to develop ideas and a shared language for praying in community. The use of this prayer guide may look different depending on your own racial background and the demographics of your community of prayer.
Download Guide

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