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Past Series

Running from the Lord | Jonah 1
April 23 2023 · 32 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Commencing a four-part sermon series reflecting on the book of Jonah, we explore how despite Jonah's own prejudices and failings, God is relentless in pursuing him. Because even as the prophet runs, the Lord sends Jonah severe mercies in the form of a great wind, pagan sailors, and a huge fish, all designed to bring Jonah back to God.
Wondrous Grace | Jonah 2
April 30 2023 · 32 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
‘There is no sin so great that Christ’s grace is not greater still’. ThoughJonah deserved judgment, God gave him mercy. God’s never-endinglove comes to Jonah in the provision of a great fish, which savesJonah’s life and brings him back to the pathway of obedience. Whilstin the fish’s belly, Jonah experiences the reality of faith and prayer ina new way. The final line of his prayer reveals the heart of the gospel:‘Salvation comes from the Lord’ (2v9).
Lessons on Repentance | Jonah 3
May 7 2023 · 32 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Here in Jonah 3 we see three kinds of ‘repentance’. Jonah (even if begrudgingly) fulfils God’s call to preach in Nineveh. The Ninevites repented at Jonah’s preaching. And God ‘relents’ from destroying the city. Here in this chapter, we learn something important about repentance, and how repentance is always first and foremost a fruit of God’s work in a person’s (or a community’s) life (cf 2 Timothy2v25).
Compassion for the Great City | Jonah 4
May 14 2023 · 32 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Chapter 4 is the climax of Jonah’s story, as we see Jonah’s heart contrasted with God’s heart. Jonah wants to see Nineveh destroyed. God, by contrast, has compassion for the great city, and longs to pour out mercy. As we wrestle with the Jonah story, we’re meant to turn the mirror on ourselves, to ask: how do we view our city? Jesus, the anti-Jonah, is the incarnation of God’s compassion for the city. As we live in him, we too can be turned around into a people who experience deep compassion for our great city.
Our Small Heart, God's Big Heart | Jonah
May 21 2023 · 30 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
In our final sermon in the series of Jonah, we take a step back and look at the big picture of the book.

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