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Past Series

Light Shining | John 1:1-5, 14
E01 November 28 2022 · 31 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Throughout this Advent season we will be examining the first chapter of John's gospel. exploring the theology at the heart of Christmas. This week we focus on the staggering fact that at Christmas, Christians affirm that God, in Christ, truly came and became human. This recognition affirms that at the heart of ultimate reality, is a relational Person, who has come to shine a light in the dark.
Born Of God | John 1:6-13
E02 December 4 2022 · 28 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
In our second sermon in our Advent series, we look at the transforming reality that Jesus Christ brings to humanity. The fruit of what Christmas produces is that we can be children of God, In many ways Christmas shows us a fundamental feature of the christian identity.
God With Us | John 1:14
E03 December 11 2022 · 18 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
In Eugene Peterson’s The Message, he paraphrased this verse by saying, ‘The word became flesh and moved into the neighbourhood’. Christmas is about the eternal Word taking on flesh and getting close, making his home among us so that we could be at home in him.
Grace & Truth | John 1:15-18
E04 December 18 2022 · 36 min
by Girma Bishaw
Jesus perfectly reveals that God is full of both grace and truth. And it's these two realities of God's character that we must daily endeavour to live by. Seeking God's grace and truth fuel and equip us to live our lives worthy of the call of God in Christ.
The Lamb of God | John 1:29-34
E05 January 8 2023 · 34 min
by Girma Bishaw
This Sunday marks the start of Epiphany, where the church celebrates Christ’s light shining in the darkness. This sermon will explore the wonder of wonders, that the eternal logos is also the sacrificial lamb who has come to take away the sin of the world.
Come & See | John 1:35-42
E06 January 15 2023 · 31 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Jesus' first words in John's account are "What are you seeking?" This question is packed with theological significance, Jesus is asking those following him what are there desires, "What do you want, really?" Those following Jesus reply by asking a simple question "Where are you staying?" That is to say, where are you abiding. Join us as we explore the call to just abide with Jesus.
The Temple | John 2:13-21
E07 January 22 2023 · 35 min
by Girma Bishaw
In our final sermon of our series looking at the beginning of John's Gospel account. Pastor Girma looks at the at the lessons we can learn from Jesus cleansing of the temple, and how the radical claim of Jesus that He Himself is the true temple fundamentally transforms our life of prayer and communion with God.

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