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Thankfulness & Joy | Philippians 1:1-18
July 02 2023 · 37 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
As Paul begins his letter he does so with gratitude and joy for the church in Philippi.Joy should be one of the main characteristics that mark the people of God, even asthey partner together to serve God in their city. The cross of Christ brings about anew family (cf. Eph 2). That new family works together to advance the gospel, all inanticipation of Christ’s return (1:6).
To Live is Christ | Philippians 1:18-30
July 09 2023 · 36 min
by Jeremy Treat
Today Pastor Jeremy Treat, teaches us about Paul's explosive statement in the first chapter of Philippians. To live is Christ, to die is gain. Exploring the practical implications of this statement and the fundamental reality of what it looks like to be securely united to the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.
Unity & Humility | Philippians 2:1-11
July 16 2023 · 36 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
The key to unity in the church is each person developing humility that is patterned after Christ’s example. Christ’s humiliation leads to his exaltation. That’s the pattern all Christian relationships should be based off of (1 John 4:10-11). Join us today as Bijan encourages us to seek unity through humility all the while looking to Jesus.
Everything Without Grumbling | Philippians 2:12-18
July 23 2023 · 32 min
by Mike Sohn
‘Grumbling’ here means complaining, offering unbalanced criticism, and an overallunwillingness to be helpful. Such attitudes and speech are not in line with the gospeland contribute to disunity in any community. Christ is God’s gracious word to us,enabling us to speak gracious and life-giving words to others. Join us today as guest preacher Mike Sohn shows us the beauty of these verses.
Looking Out For Others | Philippians 2:19-30
July 30 2023 · 33 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Paul recommends Timothy and Epaphroditus as examples of Christian brotherly kindness, showing what it means to put others ahead of oneself. Christians can serve others, even risking our lives for others, because Christ gave himself up for us.
Ambition and Desire | Philippians 3:1-14
August 6 2023 · 34 min
by Edward Smith
Paul here describes ambition in a godly sense, “pressing on toward the goal for which God has called me…” In a city like New York ambition is rampant. This sermon can distinguish between selfish and godly ambition. Christians can prize Christ as their ultimate treasure because we were the joy (treasure) that Christ pursued through his death on the cross (Heb 12:1-2).
Hope | Philippians 3:15-21
August 13 2023 · 43 min
by Tim Chaddick
Paul’s great hope, even in the mist of suffering and opposition, is the awareness thatChrist will return. Such confident hope in the future transforms our life in thepresent. Christ left the glory and comfort of heaven and came to earth, so that ourcitizenship could be in heaven.
Peace | Philippians 4:1-9
August 20 2023 · 30 min
by Toyin Odusanwo
These verses tell us to rejoice always, as well as offer practical guidance for how torejoice always, by offering everything to God in prayer. The cross is the ultimateexample that God turns sorrow into joy (John 16:20-22).
Contentment | Philippians 4:10-20
August 27 2023 · 35 min
by Girma Bishaw
Paul ends his letter on the theme of contentment. Whether in lack or in abundance,God’s people can rejoice and do all things because of Christ in them. For our sakesChrist, though rich, became poor, that we might become rich in him (2 Cor 8:9).

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