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We Walk by Faith | Hebrew 11:1-6
E01 January 29 2023 · 23 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Today we start our new sermon series by looking at the true nature of faith and what it means to live and walk by it. Doing so by exploring the stories of faith found in Hebrews Chapter 11. Join us today as we begin by looking at what faith is not, what faith is, and where faith comes from.
The Best Is Yet To Come | Hebrews 11
E02 February 05 2023 · 34 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
In our second sermon exploring the lives of faith in Hebrews 11. We look at Abraham's example of faith, in believing the future promises of God. We explore how our assurance of the future is the great grounds for our hope and usefulness in the present.
Faith & Suffering | Genesis 50:15-21
E03 February 12 2023 · 35 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Continuing with our Faith Stories series, we look at the life of Joseph. Exploring how his faith in God enabled him to endure during times of great trial and suffering. And how we, when tracing the hand of God is difficult, can always trust his heart.
Faith To Say No To Sin | Hebrews 11:24-28 & 12:1-2
E04 February 19 2023 · 36 min
by Bijan Mirtolooi
Moses was aware that there is pleasure in sin, but it’s a fleeting pleasure. Faith enables a person to see that fleeting pleasure and say no because they know there is a reward (v26), the lasting pleasure that comes from God in Christ.

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